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February Team Meetings Recap: Progress and Milestones

February has been a month of significant strides for our team, with four productive meetings marking our journey towards our goals. Here’s a detailed look at the milestones we achieved and the collaborative efforts that propelled us forward.

Laying the Foundation: Meeting 1

On February 4th, our team gathered for an extensive session. Attendees included AJ, Alex, Alva, Anushree, Jeeva, Natalie, Ben, Preston, Sean, Sharvil, and Ved. The primary focus of this meeting was to lay the groundwork for our upcoming projects. We embarked on building our official website, which marked a significant milestone in establishing our online presence.

In addition to the website, we initiated the creation of the Hack+ application video. This involved completing the script and recording all necessary footage. The team also brainstormed outreach strategies to engage potential sponsors and identify community service opportunities. On the technical front, we had a breakthrough with our software setup, successfully establishing a GitHub repository for our development projects.

Structuring and Brainstorming: Meeting 2

Our second meeting took place on February 11th. This session saw a slightly different group, with AJ, Alex, Alva, Ben, Danielle, Jeeva, Natalie, Niharika, Preston, and Sean in attendance. The agenda included establishing team norms to guide our operations and dividing into sub-groups focused on specific tasks.

One group worked on the Hack+ application, another on enhancing the website, and a third on brainstorming new ideas. By the end of the meeting, we had finished the website and developed ideas for workshops and a Python course. Significant progress was made on the universal email template and the Hack+ application.

Planning and Outreach: Meeting 3

On February 16th, we met with Alex, Alva, Preston, AJ, and Ben in attendance. This meeting was intended to assign roles and brainstorm workshops. Alex made significant improvements to the website, and Alva began brainstorming ideas for an in-person workshop. The team also initiated the process of drafting emails to potential sponsors, laying the groundwork for our sponsorship outreach.

Workshops and Regionals: Meeting 4

Our final meeting of the month was on February 25th, starting at our regular location and later moving to Independence High School. Attendees included AJ, Niharika, Preston, Danielle, Jeeva, and Sharvil. This meeting was crucial for finalizing our workshop plans, with Niharika and Danielle taking the lead.

Jeeva and Sharvil focused on reaching out to more STEM centers, while the team began thinking about sponsorship opportunities. In the afternoon, we attended the FTC regionals at Independence High School to support the Erudite and Astro Bruins teams. We were thrilled to see the Astro Bruins advance to the world championship, and the experience provided us with valuable insights into what it takes to become a competitive team.

Looking Ahead

February has been an incredibly productive month, laying a strong foundation for our future endeavors. We are excited about the workshops, community service initiatives, and sponsorship outreach plans that are in the pipeline. The lessons learned and experiences gained, especially from the FTC regionals, have provided us with a clear direction on what to focus on next.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides towards our goals!