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Meet Argo Robotics: a passionate assembly of fifteen high school robotics enthusiasts united by a shared vision of innovation and technological exploration. Hailing from diverse backgrounds, each member brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, fostering an environment where creativity and engineering prowess flourish. Together, we embark on a journey of discovery, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of robotics. Our commitment to excellence, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of challenges makes us not just a team, but a family dedicated to shaping the future, one robot at a time.

Argo robotics participates in FTC, also known as FIRST Tech Challenge. A global competetion reigning teams from all over the world, this competetion involves building a robot to complete a specific challenge or game. At Argo Robotics, our team strives to build the best robot possible, and come up with innovative and new ideas. We will use our ingenuity, combined with teamwork and collaboration to create a successful and powerful force. Argo aspires to be a competetive team in FTC that will qualify for regionals in the 2024-25 season.

Argo is on a mission that transcends the mere assembly of circuits and gears; we are here to build more than just robots-we are here to construct a vibrant, inclusive community. Our ambition stretches beyond the competition arena, aiming to empower, educate, and inspire. With a roster of fifteen enthusiastic high school members at its core, Team Argo is committed to holding workshops and courses that open the fascinating world of robotics to everyone in our community.

Meet the team!

Preston - Team Manager
Jeeva - Hardware Lead
Sharvil - Software Lead
Sean - Hardware Engineer
Niharika - Hardware Engineer
Danielle - Hardware Engineer
Anushree - Software Engineer
Annika - Software Engineer
Alex - Software Engineer
Alva - Publicist
Natalie - Outreach Coordinator
AJ - Branding
Ben - Finance Manager